"Instead of counting Dollars we'll be counting stars..."
Just recently I went to Apple May Designs with a friend. I was familiar with them from a few products I'd seen at TMD in the past, but I'd never actually been to their store before. They had a pretty good selection of Men's items, housed in a building separate from the Women's clothing. Although the selection of Men's items was nowhere near as large as the Women's, I was pleased to find a lot of things I liked there. Guys, go and check them out. The prices are not high at all considering the quality of the clothing, and maybe if more of us shop there, they'll be inspired to create more Men's clothing :)
Featured Today:
Low Rise Mesh Emo Pants (Red) by Apple May Designs
Casual Mesh Tops (Black Skull) by Apple May Designs
Ear System: Gen 4 (Pierced) by AITUI (October TMD)
"Samuel" Hair (Brick) by Pocket Mirrors